Great Tamba area | JAPAN SHOWCASE | The Japan Times


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Great Tamba area

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Prefecture/City: Great Tamba area
Capital/Prefecture: Fukuchiyama City, Tamba City, Ayabe City, Sasayama City, Kameoka City, Nantan City, Kyotambacho, Kaibara Area
Business & Industry:

Tamba encompasses the mountainous region of central Hyogo and Kyoto prefectures. Far from the lights of the major cities of Kobe and Osaka, the area is known for its agricultural products (chestnuts and black beans) as well as the quality of game meats like boar and venison.

Tourism & Culture:

Tamba offers travelers a unique sightseeing experience with districts like the Sasayama samurai neighborhood and the little-visited thatched-roof village of Miyama. The 1,000-year-old Hachiman Shrine in Kaibara boasts several unique festivals. Eastern Tamba is well connected to the city of Kyoto via the Sagano Scenic Railway, which transports visitors through breathtaking scenery.

Famous for:

The reconstructed main hall (Oshoin) of Sasayama Castle, the history and quality of the local sake, and the thatched-roof houses (known as gassho-zukuri or praying hands) of Kayabuki Miyama.